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2024-25 School activities - Visit to Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
2024-25 School activities
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Visit to Electrical and Mechanical Services Department

During the “I am a big brother” thematic teaching period, we visited the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) on January 9, 15 and 16, 2025. Through the presentation on “Electrical Safety” and the animations, the children were able to learn about the uses of different electrical appliances in the home, the precautions to be taken in using them and their safety, as well as the ways to conserve electricity. In the course of the program, the children were engaged and curious as they manipulated different exhibits and listened attentively to the teacher's explanations, learning about the importance of home safety and energy conservation.
During the “I am a big brother” thematic teaching period, we visited the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) on January 9, 15 and 16, 2025. Through the presentation on “Electrical Safety” and the animations, the children were able to learn about the uses of different electrical appliances in the home, the precautions to be taken in using them and their safety, as well as the ways to conserve electricity. In the course of the program, the children were engaged and curious as they manipulated different exhibits and listened attentively to the teacher's explanations, learning about the importance of home safety and energy conservation.